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How does virtual visitation work in child custody agreements?

On Behalf of | Sep 24, 2024 | Child Custody & Parenting Time

Virtual visitation has become a common feature in child custody agreements. It allows non-custodial parents to stay connected with their children through video calls, phone calls, or messaging when in-person visits aren’t possible. This form of visitation is especially helpful for parents who live far away or have work schedules that prevent regular visits.

What is virtual visitation?

Virtual visitation allows parents to communicate with their children using technology. Tools like video calls or messaging apps can help parents maintain contact when they can’t be physically present. This is useful in situations where travel or other commitments prevent regular face-to-face visits.

Benefits of virtual visitation

Virtual visitation provides children with more frequent contact with the non-custodial parent. It offers a way for parents to stay involved in their child’s life, even when they are apart. Regular communication can help strengthen the parent-child relationship, offering reassurance and emotional support during times of separation.

How virtual visitation is used in custody agreements

Family courts increasingly include virtual visitation in child custody arrangements. Courts may outline specific guidelines for how often virtual visits should occur and what technology should be used. This ensures that virtual visits are consistent and reliable. While virtual visitation is valuable, it is not meant to replace physical contact but to complement it.

Potential challenges

Although virtual visitation offers many advantages, it can have challenges. Some parents may experience issues with technology, like poor internet connections, which can affect the quality of communication. Additionally, disagreements may arise over how long or how often virtual visits should happen. Parents should work together to overcome these hurdles for the child’s benefit.

Virtual visitation has become an important tool in modern child custody agreements. It helps parents stay connected and continue to build strong relationships with their children, even when distance is a factor.

