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How to tell your kids about your divorce

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2024 | Divorce

When you decide to move forward with the process of ending your marriage, you know that this choice will impact you long-term. You also know that this will affect your children as well, and you will want to do everything you can to ensure that you minimize the potential negative impact of your divorce on their lives. This starts with the initial conversation you have with them about the divorce when you explain what will happen and how it will affect them.

This could be one of the most important conversations you will ever have with your kids. This news will change their lives, and it is important to prepare well for this talk. How you handle this initial step could have a significant effect on their mental and emotional well-being, how they handle the news and how they adjust to their new circumstances.

Prepare well for a difficult conversation

With a thoughtful and careful approach to this conversation, you can lay the groundwork for a healthy post-divorce future for your children. Even if you do not get along well with the other parent, it is still important that you both speak with your kids at the same time and that you work together to determine what you should say and how you should say it. As you prepare to tell your kids about your divorce, it may be helpful to remember the following:

  • Plan out what each of you will say to your children, and resolve to remain calm throughout the conversation.
  • Consider the age and maturity of your child as you plan out what you should say to him or her.
  • Do not place blame with each other, and make sure that the kids know that the divorce is not their fault.
  • Know that your kids may react strongly, and that is normal. Be patient with their feelings and acknowledge what they are going through.

After this initial conversation, one of the most helpful things you can do for your children is to seek fair and appropriate terms in your custody and visitation agreement. Providing security and stability for them as much as possible will make a significant difference in their mental and emotional health. The decisions you make during your Colorado divorce will affect them long-term, and it is critical to place their needs above your own temporary feelings.

