As you prepare for your pending divorce, you likely have many concerns on your mind. You may worry about what life will be like living single again and whether you will be able to support yourself financially. You likely also have many emotional difficulties you are working through during this time, even if you are the one who initiated the divorce.
Divorce can be a trying time for anyone. Understandably, you want to make it as easy on yourself as possible. Fortunately, you can do your best to prepare and help your case go smoothly.
Handling your case with grace
The exact manner in which you approach your case will depend on your feelings, your spouse’s feelings and the willingness of each of you to get through the process as painlessly as you can. If you hope to handle your case with dignity and grace, the following tips may prove helpful to you:
- Provide necessary financial information during the discovery period of your case. If you attempt to hide assets or not provide all the information, you could delay the case and face possible penalties from the court.
- Determine whether litigation is necessary or whether you and your spouse could come to a settlement outside of court.
- Stay organized so that you can access important documents and records at a moment’s notice and send that information to your legal counsel as soon as possible after requested.
- Remember that, even if you waited until your children reached adulthood before you divorced, they can still have serious feelings about their parents splitting up, including sadness and grief.
Handling the numerous legal tasks, emotions and family situations that arise during your divorce can certainly take a toll. Fortunately, if you take the time to prepare and understand the expectations of you, you may have an easier time getting through the process.
Gaining information
One of the best ways to prepare for this type of life change is to obtain information about how courts handle divorce cases in Colorado and what your options are. If you do not want a drawn-out litigated case, you may want to determine whether you could negotiate a settlement with your soon-to-be ex in hopes of reaching an amicable outcome quickly. To this end, having information on how to handle property division under state law may prove useful to you as well.