When you have a parenting time schedule, the time you have with your children is precious. You need to remember that this is the time to make memories with them, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to go out on extravagant trips or always have somewhere to go. Instead, you might be able to enjoy them while you spend together at home watching movies or playing games.
One thing you can do when you have a parenting plan is to try to keep the stress away from your children. Minimizing your stress is one of the best ways that you can do this. By remaining calm in the chaos of the divorce and the period after, you are teaching your kids how to do the same. This can help them to become well-adjusted throughout life.
Your child custody agreement is one of the places you can turn to reduce stress in your life. You and your ex will likely negotiate the terms of the agreement so that you can take your child’s needs into account. It is imperative that you have a well-rounded agreement that includes points to make things easier for you.
We realize that you might not think that you can work out suitable terms with your ex. The truth is that you sometimes have to look toward creative custody solutions to meet the needs of the situation. We work with our clients to find out what they feel is important, so we can find ways to help children thrive despite the difficulties they face due to the divorce.