The forms of domestic violence that might be present in a relationship can range from trying to control the person through violence or by using mental tricks to gain the upper hand. In all of these cases, the victim of the domestic violence is the person who will suffer.
If you decide that you are ending the relationship with the person who is abusing you, make sure that you are prepared to make the break. This isn’t always easy, but there are a few things that you can do that might make it a bit less stressful and easier to cope.
We know that you likely are worried about your safety. In this case, you might decide that you are going to pursue a restraining order. This order, which is issued by the court, requires that your abuser remains at least a specific distance from you. It forbids all contact. This isn’t a foolproof method, but it is a good protection to have since your ex can be arrested if he or she violates the order.
Another thing that you need to do is to shore up your emotions before you leave. There is a chance that the abuser might try to play mind games with you when you leave. He or she might try to flip the circumstances to make you think that everything that happened is your fault. They might try to guilt you into taking them back. They might try to play on your feelings for them or act out in a mean or spiteful manner.
Ultimately, you might end up filing for a divorce. If you do this, make sure that you are prepared to go through the process. Try to get documentation about jointly-owned assets and other important matters before you walk away. We can help you evaluate the situation to determine what options you have.