You want to trust law enforcement, but sometimes police officers are arrested for problems at home and work, too. What may be out of character or could seem like it would never happen could be reported against an officer who otherwise works to defend the public. In some cases, these crimes have happened or there is evidence of violence, and when that’s the case, the officer needs to be held accountable, just like anyone else.
A Colorado Springs officer was arrested recently after his ex-girlfriend claimed that he had been in her home without her knowledge. She placed a protection order request with the court following the intrusion, according to the news. When she broke up with him, she allegedly told him never to contact her again, yet he was there the following day. She claims to fear him because he was always armed, making her fear for her life.
The officer in question has been put on administrative leave, which is paid, while the instance is investigated by the department. The officer has been with the police department since 2003 and has since been given several awards, like the medal of valor in 2004, and he has moved into a position as a detective in the violent crimes unit.
Despite the man’s background as an officer, the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office reported that the incident would be reviewed and in as transparent a way as possible. Regardless of the officer’s past history with the force, it’s the job of the police to fully investigate any complaint against an officer.
Source: The Gazette, “Colorado Springs police officer arrested on domestic violence complaint,” Chhun Sun, April. 21, 2015