Child support is an important element for children growing up in separate households. Unlike many children in intact households, these children have parents who are living separate lives in different homes, so they must make an effort to provide care to their child through providing compensation and support through financial means.
Calculating your child support payments in Colorado is done through the Colorado Child Support Guidelines. Through these guidelines, it’s possible to determine that a fair amount is being spent out of each parent’s income for the support of their children.
When looking into the amount a parent will need to pay, the monthly gross income of both parents is considered. Considerations are also given to the current averages spent on children in intact households. Next, the noncustodial parent’s share of the support will be used to create the child support order.
For example, the Colorado Department of Human Services shows that if the parent’s monthly gross income is between $900 and $1,900, then he or she will potentially be able to get a low-income adjustment to the child support payments. However, those with earnings higher than that amount may face traditional payments based on the support guidelines.
In addition, parents will also have to share the costs of childcare, medical insurance and other uninsured medical expenses. The amount of nights a child spends with the noncustodial parent does influence the overall child support provided in some instances, especially if one parent rarely sees the child in question.
If you have questions about child support in Colorado or want to make sure you’re getting everything you deserve for your child, make sure you speak with someone familiar with family law.
Source: Calculating Child Support Payments, “Colorado Department of Human Services” Nov. 22, 2014