It probably seems as though almost everyone you know is active on at least one social media platform. Many people post on three or four social media networks. However, for those going through a divorce, social media can really have a negative effect on one or both of the participants in the proceedings.
Those who are trying to obtain alimony or an extra share of the marital assets might not fare well if they post pictures of expensive vacations and new vehicles on their social media accounts. This is especially true if one spouse has tried to hide assets from the other.
Another area where social media might cause problems in a divorce is with child custody. Parents should not post derogatory comments about their soon-to-be ex. This is especially true when there is a possibility that one of the children could read those comments. While it’s tempting to think that blocking an ex from accessing the page is enough, often it’s not. An ex could use a friend’s account or create a new account under a false name in hopes of finding out all the dirt that has been posted.
In addition, parents should also pay attention to what their children post on social media. Pictures that show a teenager throwing a party or indulging in unsafe activities could be construed as a parent not being fit to care for the kids.
Social media has its place, but it’s not in divorce court. Advice from an experienced Colorado family law attorney could prove beneficial for those who have questions regarding using social media during the divorce process.
Source: Huffington Post, “The Divorce Mistakes You Don’t Even Know You’re Making” Taryn Hillin, Mar. 18, 2014