For those thinking about divorce – especially if it is their first divorce – there are probably many questions running through your mind. You may wonder where to find the answers you need. An experienced family law attorney can provide those answers, as well as advice about options you may not have been aware were available.
When you first meet with your attorney, you may have many questions about child support and alimony. Each state, including Colorado, has their own laws governing the amounts awarded for child support and spousal support. You should provide as much financial information as possible, so your attorney will be able to see the overall picture regarding your finances. This is true whether you will be receiving or paying child support and alimony or both.
Other questions may concern child custody. The court can determine who gets primary custody and set a schedule for visitation. It’s always a good idea, though, to attempt to work out these arrangements between the spouses and outside of court. Your attorney can provide information about what the courts look for prior to issuing a child custody and visitation ruling; however, it will ultimately be up to the judge.
You will likely have questions about the costs associated with the divorce. Some attorneys may be able to provide with a divorce, based upon your need for tackling issues such as child support, custody and alimony. However, the more litigation that is required, the more expensive your divorce will be. This is yet another reason to a try to come to a workable solution with your soon-to-be ex-spouse.
Finally, you may wonder how long your divorce will take. The answer all depends on many things, including how many assets you may have and whether most of the arguments can be worked out prior to appearing before a judge. Some divorces may only take a few weeks, while others can continue on for months or even years in court.
Source:, “Divorce Confidential: Asking the Right Questions in a Divorce” Caroline Choi, Dec. 04, 2013