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Domestic violence app might save Colorado women’s lives

On Behalf of | Nov 27, 2013 | Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can be a very real problem for many in Colorado, as well as the rest of the country. There are several resources available for those who are in an abusive relationship; however, some women and men are often terrified to the point that they refuse to seek help. A new app for Android cellphones or iPhone may help.

While the creators of the Aspire News app say that it is not an emergency service replacement, such as for police or sheriff’s deputies, the app does have a complete list of resources for those who are experiencing a domestic violence situation. It supplies domestic violence victims with a way to get help when they need it the most.

The front page functions and looks like a news app. However, when someone pushes the “Help” button, the domestic violence information appears. It’s a great tool for those who are worried that their spouse or significant other may be monitoring their cellphone usage.

The app is free, which makes it even more attractive. It could “serve as a lifeline” for a person who is in danger. The creators have included local law enforcement information, domestic violence shelter information and will alert the user’s contacts that were chosen beforehand in case of emergency.

Domestic violence is a real issue across this country, and the more tools that victims have at their disposal, the better. There are many resources available, including restraining orders to keep an abuser away from a victim. A family law attorney can help you understand your options in such a situation.

Source: SALON, “This incredibly smart domestic violence app could save women’s lives” Katie McDonough, Nov. 21, 2013

