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The right defense strategy when facing white collar crime charges

On Behalf of | Mar 1, 2018 | Criminal Defense

If you are facing criminal charges on either a state or federal level, you may know there is a lot at stake. From your personal freedom to your future opportunities, a conviction will have a long-reaching effect on your personal and professional life. Fighting back is critical for your interests, but it is especially so when facing federal white collar crime charges. 

Colorado readers know white collar crimes are serious, even though they are not violent crimes. The penalties for a conviction of these types of crimes are steep, and you would be wise not to underestimate the gravity of your situation. However, a conviction is never your only option, and you have the right to present evidence for your defense and confront the case against you.

What type of white collar charges are you facing? 

There are various types of white collar crimes, and they range in severity and the penalties they carry. As you consider your defense options, it can be helpful to seek a deeper understanding of the specific charge you are facing and what it could mean for your future. Some of the most common types of white collar crimes include the following:

  • Corporate fraud: Fraud is a term used to encompass a range of financial crimes, using deception for financial gain. This includes self-dealing, insider trading, kickbacks, falsification of financial information and more.
  • Money laundering: This involves making illegitimate proceeds seem legitimate through deception and hiding money.
  • Identity theft: This involves taking another person’s information to open credit cards, take money or obtain assets under a false identity.
  • Intellectual property theft: These are crimes involving the misuse or theft of digital assets and proprietary information, such as information used by a business for competitive advantage.
  • Health care fraud: This type of white collar crime involves the intentional defrauding of the health care system and insurance programs.

The penalties for most white collar crimes include extensive periods of incarceration, lengthy probation periods, fines and other non-criminal consequences. These can include the loss of your career and personal reputation. 

How can I defend myself?

An experienced legal ally could be a critical part of an effective defense. You can learn about the various defense options available to you by seeking an evaluation of your case as soon as possible. You do not have to wait for an arrest or formal charges, but you can seek guidance even if you are still under investigation.

