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Prenuptial agreements and your Colorado marriage

On Behalf of | Feb 7, 2014 | Divorce

So, a prenuptial agreement may not be the most romantic topic to discuss before a wedding, but it could turn out to be one of the most important before a divorce. Many engaged Colorado couples are hesitant to bring up the subject of a prenuptial agreement simply because it might imply that a marriage is “doomed” or that there are already trust issues.

The truth is that a prenuptial agreement can help iron out many financial issues that could plague a marriage later on. Both halves of a couple will need to completely disclose their assets and debts, though, or this legal document may not hold up in court.

Prenuptial agreements may not be as helpful for young couples with little in the form of assets; however, they can be very beneficial to couples where one partner has children from another marriage. Perhaps there are assets that the soon-to-be spouse would like to ensure go to his or her children.

Be sure that each partner uses his or her own attorney to review the document. Each state has their own requirements regarding prenuptial agreements. While child custody and child support may not be stipulated, alimony and asset division can be. Personal habits, such as drinking or smoking, cannot be enforced in a prenuptial, and you can’t lay out what will happen if one spouse is unfaithful. These things will not be upheld in court.

While you may not feel as though this is the most romantic part of your courtship, it’s an important part of protecting yourself in case your marriage should sour at a later time. While everyone would like to see their marriage last forever, unfortunately, that’s not always the way things work out.

Source: Huffington Post, “Unpacking Prenuptial Agreements” Caroline Choi, Jan. 31, 2014

